четверг, сентября 16, 2010

Урок 4. Subject and object relative clauses

Subject and object relative clauses

Представьте, что вы показываете кому-то фотографии, сделанные когда вы учились в языковой школе, и даете к каждой короткий комментарий.
- I stayed with this family.
- These people lived next door.
- I studied at this school.
- This cathedral was built in the 11th century
- We visited this place on an excursion.
- I met this girl at a party.

Вы также могли бы сказать
This is a photo of ...
... the people who lived next door.
... a cathedral which was built in the 11th century.
... a girl (who) I met at a party.
... a place (which) we visited on an excursion.
... the family (who) I stayed with.
... the school (which) I studied at.

Два первых случая - это subject relative clauses. Вместо who/which может быть использовано that:
- This is a photo of the people that lived next door.
Остальные четыре примера, это object relative clauses. Здесь также вместо who/which может быть использовано that, а может и ничего:
a girl that I met at a party
a girl I met at a party

Заполните пробелы соответствующими фразами из первой части урока

I had quite a good time in Cambridge, although ............................................................ was rather boring - they spent a lot of time watching TV and didn't go out much.
Fortunately, ................................................. were very friendly, so I spent a lot of time with them.
Also, ...................................................... organised trips at the weekends, so I went to quite a lot of interesting places.
I'm sending you some photos of ...................................................................
It's just a small town but it's got ..................................................................
The person in the foreground is .............................................................. - her name's Veronique.

Перепишите данные ниже предложения по примеру This is a photo of...

a These students were in my class.
b I could see this building from my bedroom window.
c This person taught us English.
d We organised this party at the end of term.
e I came home on this train.

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