вторник, сентября 14, 2010

Урок 3. Одежда

clothes [plural]
the things that people wear to cover their body or keep warm
одежда - то, что люди одевают, чтобы прикрыть наготу или согреться.

clothes, clothing, garment, cloth

clothes are things that you wear, for example shirts and dresses
• I need some new clothes.
• Do you ever wear your sister's clothes?

!! clothes is always plural and has no singular form
clothes всегда употребляется во множественном числе
• He was wearing nice clothes (NOT a nice clothe/clothes).

Use clothing to talk about a particular type of clothes or when talking about making or selling clothes
Используйте слово clothing, говоря о конкретном типе одежды или о производстве/продаже одежды
• Special protective clothing is worn.
• a clothing manufacturer
!! This word is not used much in ordinary spoken language
Это слово редко используется в обычном разговорном языке
• I went shopping for summer clothes (NOT clothing).

In formal English, you can use garment or piece/item/article of clothing to refer to one thing you wear
В формальном английском можно использовать garment или piece/item/article of clothing говоря об одном предмете одежды
• a long velvet garment
• a discarded article of clothing
But it is more usual to name the particular thing you mean
Чаще предмет одежды называется явно
• He was wearing a long coat (NOT long garment).

Cloth is the material that clothes are made from
Cloth материал, из которого сделана одежда
• a suit made from fine woollen cloth

A clothes that you wear together as a set
Одежда, которую носят вместе
a pair of trousers or a skirt, which you wear with a short coat made of the same material
Брюки или юбка с пиджаком, сшитые из одинакового материала
She wore a black suit for the interview. | Bob was wearing a business suit.

set of clothes that look attractive together, which you wear for a special occasion
комплект из нескольких предметов одежды, которые хорошо смотрятся вместе, которые надевают в особых случаях
I bought a new outfit for Kate's birthday party.
Natalie was wearing a blue and purple outfit.

Use outfit to describe clothes worn by women and children. Don't use it about men's clothes.
Используйте outfit для описания женской и детской одежды. Не используйте при описании мужской одежды.

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