пятница, сентября 10, 2010

Урок 1. Полезные фразы

Как попросить / дать совет

asking for advice
/ попросить совет

What do you think I should do?
I don't know whether to speak to Bob about it. What do you think I should do?

Can I ask your advice/opinion about something?
Can I ask your advice about something? I'm really worried about my brother.

Do you think I should...?
It's only $10 a month. Do you think I should join?

I'm thinking of... . What do you think?
I'm thinking of dying my hair. What do you think?

Don't say 'Can you give me an advice?' Use one of the phrases above.
Не говорите 'Can you give me an advice?' Используйте одно из приведенных выше выражений.

giving advice / дать совет

You should... /You ought to...
You should phone the police if you're really worried about it.
You shouldn't drink so much.

If I were you,...
use this when you have thought carefully about the situation
Используйте этот вариант, если вы хорошо обдумали ситуацию
If I were you, I'd wait till tomorrow.
If I were you, I wouldn't tell anyone about it.

What you ought to do is...
SPOKEN / разговорный
What you ought to do is get them to pay in advance.
What you need is... spoken What you need is a nice long holiday.

Make sure (that) you...
use this to give someone advice that will help them not to make a mistake
используйте этот вариант, если вы хотите помочь человеку избежать совершения ошибки
Make sure you take enough money jor the taxi.

The best thing is to...
The best thing is to drink lots of water.

In a conversation, don't say 'I advise you to do this' or 'I recommend that you do this'. These are very formal and are mostly used in writing.
Не употребляйте в разговоре выражения 'I advise you to do this' или 'I recommend that you do this'. Это формальный вариант, который используется в письменной речи.

Источник: Longman Essential Activator

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